2024 AEFM:
Advanced Epitaxy for Freestanding Membranes and 2D Materials
Takeda Hall, Asano Campus, The University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
on-site event
July 22-24, 2024

Remote epitaxy and van der Waals epitaxy
The Workshop on Advanced epitaxy for freestanding membranes and 2D materials will be held on July 22-24 (2024) to discuss recent advancements and breakthroughs in the field of freestanding membranes in three major symposiums:
Synthesis of 2D materials and applications
Applications of freestanding membranes and other lift-off techniques
The Workshop
Plenary Speakers

Takao Someya
University of Tokyo

Jeehwan Kim

Bharat Jalan
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Takashi Taniguchi

Mark Hersam
Northwestern University

Abdallah Ougazzaden
Georgia Institute of Technology

Manish Chhowalla
University of Cambridge

Xiangfeng Duan

Ke Xu

Stephen Forrest
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Rodney Ruoff
Keynote Speakers

Jiwoong Park
University of Chicago

Joan Redwing
Penn State University

Hiroki Ago
Kyushu University

Bérangère Hyot

Lain-Jong Li
University of Hong Kong

Honyung Lee
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Zhiqiang Liu
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Sheng Xu

Moonho Jo

Sung Kyu Lim
Georgia Institute of Technology

Jong-Hyun Ahn
Yonsei University

Jacabo Santamaria
Universidad Complutense
de Madrid

Tongbo Wei
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Olga Bubnova (Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering)
Kristina Kareh (Nature)
Xin Li (Nature Materials)
Stuart Thomas (Nature Electronics)
Jeehwan Kim (Science Advances)
Vincent Tung, University of Tokyo
Vice Chair
Stanley Fu, University of Tokyo
Olga Bubnova, Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering
Sang-Hoon Bae, Washington University in St. Louis
Hyunseok Kim, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Kyusang Lee, University of Virginia
Scientific Committee
Yun Seog Lee, Seoul National University
Abdallah Ougazzaden, Georgia Tech Europe
Bharat Jalan, University of Minnesota
Zhiqiang Liu, Chinese Academy of Science
Jian Shi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Young Joon Hong, Sejong University
Kibum Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Ho Nyung Lee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory